Cookie Group, due Thursday, …Page 193, 14-30. Copy the problems and constructions NEATLY!
Lacey Group, due Thursday,…Page 91, 15-30. Show your work, please!
Geuliette Group, due Thursday, “Pick your City” worksheet. Also, OPEN NOTE quiz Thursday, over Mean, Median, Mode and Range.
Cagney Group, starting Thursday, Chapter 2, “Spending and Saving”…. Begin your personal spending journal. In your notebook, list and keep track of ALL expenses! Date each expense, and specifically label what was purchased for how much….example: “November 28, 2018: Dairy Queen ice cream cone, $1.49.” or ” November 28, 2018: BP Gas fill up, $28.65″
Annabel Group, due Thursday, … Page 117, 2-14 evens only. Show your work, please!
Romeo Group, due Thursday,…Page 107, 22-40 evens only. Show your work, please!!